Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Dr. Ioana Manuela Marcu
National University of Sciences and Technology Politehnica Bucharest
Telecommunication Department

I am looking for a project to join
Project director for the following projects:
1. "Telemetry system for Smart Agriculture (SmartAgro)" (2018-2020) Link:
2. “Next Generation Internet platform based on 5G and UAVs for precision agriculture (NGI-UAV-AGRO)" (2020-2022) Link:
3. "Ad hoc network optimized for precision agriculture (RomAgrar)| (October 2023- December 2024)
Crop Science
Electrical engineering, electronics, information engineering
Remote Sensing
Looking for projects in the same area of research as the projects I have participated in related to climate change analysis on crop yields, telemetry system design and implementation for various use-cases in agriculture (e.g., different crops).
remote sensing, drones and robots in agriculture, telemetry and diagnosis system for agricultural use-cases, multispectral images analysis, deep learning algorithms for environment purposes
The 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 11 - 14, 2024, Greece

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