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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Dr. (Assistant Professor) Israel Ikoyi
University College Cork
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

I am looking for a project to join
A Soil Biologist interested in soil ecology, plant-microbe interactions, soil biodiversity, soil nematodes and their environmental importance, soil health, and the role of microbes in sustainable agricultural production and climate change mitigations.

1) Ikoyi I, Grange G, Finn J, Brennan F (2023) Plant diversity enhanced nematode-based soil quality indices and changed soil nematode community structure in intensively-managed agricultural grasslands, Eur J Soil Biol 103542
2) Duff A, Forrestal P, Ikoyi I & Brennan F (2022) Assessing the long-term impact of urease and nitrification inhibitor use on microbial community composition, diversity and function in grassland soil, Soil Biol and Biochem, 108709.
3) Ikoyi I, Heuvelink G & DeGoede R (2021) Geostatistical modelling and mapping of soil ecological quality indices in a polluted nature reserve, Pedosphere, 31, 670–682.
4) Ikoyi I, Fowler A, Storey S, Doyle E & Schmalenberger A (2020) Sulfate fertilization supports growth of ryegrass in soil columns but changes microbial community structures and reduces abundances of nematodes and arbuscular mycorrhiza. Sci Tot Environ 704: 135315.
5) Ikoyi I, Egeter B, Chaves C, Ahmed M, Fowler A & Schmalenberger A (2020) Responses of soil microbiota and nematodes to application of organic and inorganic fertilizers in grassland columns. Biol Fertil Soils 56: 647-662.
Biology of interactions
Molecular Biology
Plant Protection
I am looking for a project that is working on Thematic B looking at exploiting environmental microbiomes for sustainable crop production and climate change mitigations. I am also interested in plant-microbe interactions in the role of soil organisms (particularly nematodes) as bioindicators of soil health.
soil ecology, soil biodiversity, soil health, plant-soil microbial interactions, nutrient cycling, soil microbiology, molecular microbiology, recycling waste
I will be attending the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) Soil Health Conference

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