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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Dr. Mehmet Ali Turan Kocer
Mediterranean Fisheries Research, Production and Training Institution
+90 242 251 05 85

I am looking for a project to join
Mediterranean Fisheries Research Production and Training Institute (MEDFRI) is a distinguished public research institute that carries out its activities under the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Our vision is to produce and disseminate knowledge and technology with a responsible and sustainable management of surface waters and fisheries resources and development of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture models. MEDFRI is empowered to carry out national and international research on fish breeding and genetics, molecular biology, fish health, marine and freshwater fisheries, aquatic biology, aquaculture, environmental chemistry, ecological and hydrological studies, as well as chemical and physical oceanography. With a dedicated team of 182 staff works including administrative, assistance and other support services. Researchers are accounted for about 35 percent. In 18 years, more than 60 R&D projects were completed with about an annual average of 3.5 projects. In addition to knowledge and experience on aquaculture, MEDFRI has a strong laboratory infrastructure with cutting-edge instruments. Our institution also has an advanced research vessel (Akdeniz Arastirma 1) with state of the art equipment.
Cellular Biology
Fisheries Science and Technology
Immunology (excluding medical)
Infectious Diseases
Molecular Biology
Veterinary science
We are open to a wide range of projects in various fields such as aquaculture, fish health, environmental microbiology, ecological and hydrological studies. Please feel free to reach out to us with potential opportunities. We are excited to contribute our knowledge and resources to support your initiatives.
aquaculture, mediterranean, fish, algae, fisheries, water quality, marine, climate change, sustainable aquaculture, nature-based compounds

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