Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Dr Justyna Nawrocka
University of Lodz, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
+48 503107616

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
It's nice to meet you.
I am Justyna, an assistant professor at the Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Poland).
My research is focused on:
1. The impact of new biological control agents (BCA) on crop plants' growth, development and yield, and the maintenance of plant biodiversity.
2. The use of food industry waste as potential substrates in the circular economy and as biopreparations used in agriculture, horticulture, as well as in the recultivation of contaminated, degraded, and exhausted soil areas.

My work is related to the holistic analysis of plant functioning in changing environment, starting from the assessment of growth and development, through monitoring of plant physiology by tracking the photosynthetic parameters, to the analysis of biochemical and molecular changes using spectrophotometry, GC, HPLC, ELISA, Western Blot and RT-PCR techniques.
I participate in projects focusing on the above areas. I have experience in implementing and managing national and international projects. Currently, I am managing three projects at the national level, one of which is implementation-oriented.
The project is related to the results of my pilot research, which showed that the increase in soil humidity and quality, as well as the biodiversity of plants in flower meadows, may be promoted by the emulsifying and gelling substances being unused post-production waste in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
On behalf of my team, I am looking for partners to carry out the following research:
1. Geodetic research to select appropriate locations for field experiments in industrial cities and urban areas, especially those with contaminated soil and those with urban heat island effects. In these locations, the emulsifying and gelling substances will be applied to the soil and melliferous meadows will be sown.
2. Chemical soil testing and meteorological measurements relevant to studies of land-plant interactions in the selected locations throughout the experiment.
3. Ecological and entomological research to determine biodiversity in the selected locations throughout the experiment.
4. Landscape designers who will create several urban meadow designs (including projects completed in virtual reality).

My responsibility concerning the project implementation includes providing the emulsifying and gelling substances as well as melliferou meadow plants, performing holistic analyses of biodiversity and the physiological state of plants growing in the treated soil, as well as microbiological analyses of the soil.

If you are interested, please contact me.
emulsifying and gelling substances, sugar wastes, melliferous meadows, soilrecultivation

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