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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Associate Professor Carlo Polidori
Università degli Studi di Milano (Unimi)
Environmental Science and Policy

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
Developing an innovative synergy between university institution and innovative SME:

Field observations and experiments on insects; biodiversity data analysis; chemical analysis of insect pheromones; microscopy (SEM, TEM) analysis on insects; environmental modeling for insects. Target taxa: bees and other Hymenoptera. Behavioral ecology, Pollination biology, Functional morphology studies, Evolutionary studies, Bees, Wasps

Latest publications:
Polidori C., Rodrigo Gómez S., Ronchetti F., Ferrari A., Selfa J., Gil-Tapetado D. (2023) Sunny, hot and humid nesting locations with diverse vegetation benefit Osmia bees nearby almond orchards in a Mediterranean area. Journal of Insect Conservation.
Ronchetti F., Polidori C., Schmitt T., Steffan-Dewenter I., Keller A. (2022) Bacterial gut microbiomes of aculeate brood parasites overlap with their aculeate hosts, but have higher diversity and specialization. FEMS Microbial Ecology, 98: 1-12.
Ferrari A., Polidori C. (2022) How city traits affect taxonomic and functional diversity of urban wild bee communities: insights from a worldwide analysis. Apidologie, 53, 46.
Ferrari A., Polidori C. (2022) Eusociality as a neglected aspect of wild bee α-diversity and its potential impact on diver. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 16: 1-15.

Terrapreta (SME)
Integrated research, Policy making, Landscape design, Community wealth, Social communication and cultural events, R&D of NbS. On going project: Osservatorio La Goccia (Milan)
Biology of interactions
Crop Science
Food Biotechnology
Plant Biotechnology
Quantitative genetics
Remote Sensing
Deploying the generative synergies between agroforestry and pollinators for the regeneration of degraded peri-urban lands with historical value, through community wealth building and the development of new rural economies.

Testing via one real life case study in rural area near Milan (13 ha.), in which to develop a living lab replicable in Europe, where to improve a mix of traditional and innovative agricultural methods.

We are looking for:

a. Other similar sites to replicate research-based processes of private lands recovery (pollinators monitoring, restoration of soil fertility and valorisation of historical heritage) and new site-specific agricultural practices based on the relation between woodland, agricultural fields and pollinators;
b. Partners with skills (IoT monitoring, electronic and computer engineering, business case development, ES evaluations, water land integration) to participate in the implementation of the living lab.

Key activities:
Creation of a pollinators garden (different types of nest materials and different flowers) to promote the biodiversity of wild bees and other insect pollinators;
Regenerative research-based agriculture (soil analysis, sustainable water system, crop succession and agroforestry);
Mapping of biodiversity (specifically pollinators and mammals);
Natural Capital Financing Innovation (specifically Biodiversity Financing);
Community wealth building/engagement (innovative governance model, citizen science, generative disability)
pollinators, soil restoration, agroforestry, watersheds, inclusive governance, green jobs, communication, landscape design, urban policy, natural capital
No conference next weeks, please contact us to and

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