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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Associate Professor Massimo Rovai
Unversità di Pisa
Dept. of Civil and Industrial Engeneering

I am looking for a project to join
I am an associate professor in Principles of Economy and Real Estate Evaluation, and a researcher with about 30 years of experience in research projects at national, regional and local levels. In the last 10 years, I have also been involved in various European projects.
During my academic career, my research has been primarily focussed on rural development and agri-food system dynamics.
In recent years, my research focus has shifted to the evaluation of ecosystem services from a spatial planning perspective. Related to that, I am also studying how urban-rural relations can be enhanced taking into account the principles of sustainable territorial development.

Sustainable planning and management of the territory and rural areas
Agri-ecosystems and the main factors affecting their evolution
Relationship between a farm and its external environment, with a focus on diffusion processes in innovation and knowledge
Rural development
Valorisation of agricultural products based on territorial characteristics
Sustainable planning and management of the territory and rural areas
Evaluation of the ecosystem services
Cost-benefit analysis, multicriteria analysis, evaluation of investments in real estate and public projects
Capacity analysis and environmental services evaluation of rural areas
Geographic data analysis
Sociology of the Environment
Spatial planning and urban development
I am interested in projects that develop methodologies for evaluating the effects of NBS on the quality of life and well-being of citizens in urban areas but also in other territorial areas.
Another area of interest is the evaluation of the value of ecosystem services produced by rural and mountain contexts and their effects on urbanized areas and/or the valley floor in order to evaluate the possibility of introducing regulation and/or redistribution policies between urban and rural / mountainous. areas
nature base solutione evaluation, ecosystem services evaluation, payment for ecosystem services (pes), participatory methodologies, multicriteria analysis, geographic information systems

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