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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Assistant professor Soumaya Arraouadi
Sidi Bouzid
Regional Center of Agriculture Reaserch of Sidi Bouzid

I am looking for a project to join
Currently, I hold the position of Assistant Professor in the Agronomy Department at the Regional Center for Agricultural Research of Sidi Bouzid. My primary focus is in the field of crop science, with a specialization in the plant breeding. My research interests encompass the intersection of plant physiology and genetic plant improvement. I am keen to establish a research group dedicated to addressing critical food security concerns, including the effects of climate change, water scarcity, and elevated salinity levels on agricultural resources, which pose substantial constraints on crop yields.
Climate change endangers global food security due to water shortages and soil salinity, spurring international efforts to protect food availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability. We are dedicated to enhancing cereal production sustainability and rehabilitating marginal lands through improved farming systems.
food security, climate changes, marginal land, production sustainability.

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