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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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MSc Milica Adamovic
Project Management

I am looking for a project to join
CirEkon is a catalyst for the implementation of the circular economy (CE) innovative business and responsible marketing with a focus on sustainable business. We create innovative business systems, resistant to the latest demands of the circular market. We are a part of the Ellen McArthur Foundation Community and we are connected with over a 100 companies and experts from the field of circular economy in the Balkans and in Europe, as well as various universities. We have been a trustworthy partner in several Interreg, UNDP and GIZ projects. By collaborating with cities, governmental bodies and chambers of commerce, we are well-positioned to engage with necessary stakeholders but also to create a triple-helix approach to any topic related project.

CirEkon’s portfolio of services ranges from education, training for main areas of CE, to market and company level assessments and analysis (MFA, Value chain, LCA, Carbon Footprint, etc.) and close consulting for clients on topics of re-design of their products, services or operations in order to become more efficient in their circular business transition journey. As a side-arm, CirEkon helps companies unify their voices for a bottom-up approach, and helps policymakers understand the needs for changes in that domain through macro level assessments, systemic mapping and analysis and policymaking advisory. Also, we are building the arm towards the civil sector, in order to support awareness rising about the benefits of CE.
Sociology of the Environment
CirEkon team is eager to join projects that are systemic in nature and that require:
1. Circular economy systemic deep expertise
2. Systems analysis and systems modelling
3. Stakeholder management for ecosystem building
4. Strategy and Business modelling and client / beneficiaries management
5. Education and training for the circular economy
6. Aid in systemic project design (We make projects systemic and circular by design)
circular economy, climate change, climate adaptation, sustainable business, innovation, carbon footprint, lca, mfa, value chain, circular economy education

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