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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Biomedical Engineer Ayşe Gül BULUT
Environmental Technologies R&D Department

I am looking for a project to join
We produce sustainable nature-based engineering solutions with our R&D activities on the development of environmental analysis systems in our offices in Turkey.
Some of our areas of expertise are;
-Environmental and climate engineering solutions,
-Development of optical, electrochemical high-tech sensor systems for environmental analysis applications.
-Biomedical sensor systems, biotechnological applications.
-Development of wastewater, marine, coastal and freshwater measurement analysis systems.
-Development of high-tech optical dissolved oxygen sensor
-Development of remote sensing and control autonomous systems.
-Electrical electronics, materials and nanotechnology engineering, Chemical engineering, Mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering and software engineering applications.
-Project management, operations and financial management.
Biotechnology (excluding environmental, medical, agricultural and food)
Chemical Engineering
Chemistry of Materials
Electrical engineering, electronics, information engineering
Fisheries Science and Technology
Materials science and engineering
Mechanical engineering
Ocean engineering
Remote Sensing
In order to contribute to the EU's mission of 'Saving Our Oceans and Waters' with the goal of a sustainable world, adopting priority R&D issues within the scope of compliance with the EU Green Deal, determining the effects of the destruction caused by climate change, environmental waste on aquatic ecosystems, which is a global problem. We aim to provide solutions to problems such as water management, wastewater use in purified water resources management and remote sensing. Fish, bacteria, plants and invertebrates all need a healthy aquatic environment, adequate nutrients and oxygen to live and thrive. We aim monitoring the change in oxygen level caused by climate change and environmental pollution in the aquatic environment with modern technology, determining the amount of oxygen in water resources and monitoring its quality, developing a high-tech optical dissolved oxygen sensor, and controlling the oxygen level independently of humans and increasing the effectiveness of environmental management with smart sensor systems.
We are looking for projects to which we can contribute in these areas. We would be happy to work together
dissolved oxygen, optical sensors, water management, protecting freshwater coastal and marine ecosystems, water analysis, sea, marine, sensors, sensor integration and automation, oxygen
HBR Business Summit 2023

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