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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Dr. Mustafa Mantıkcı
Middle East Technical University
Institute of Marine Sciences
+90 5061435696

I am looking for a project to join
I study eutrophication and plankton metabolism in marine ecosystems. In this context, I have been working in the marine and coastal waters of Turkey and Denmark. Currently, I am conducting both experimental and in situ studies in all Turkish seas (Black Sea, Sea of Marmara and Mediterranean) with ship facilities. In my experimental studies, I perform plankton metabolism measurements using oxygen optodes, and I also have the opportunity to analyze oxygen measurements with a CTD device. Oxygen depletion, one of the effects of eutrophication caused by the increase of nutrients in coastal waters, is of special interest to me. In my recent, I investigated the effect of mucilage in the Sea of Marmara on oxygen consumption in the water column.
Marine Biology
Ocean engineering
Remote Sensing
I would like to be involved in projects to understand and prevent marine eutrophication and its affects. I am interested in studying how plankton (phytoplankton, bacteria etc.) metabolism plays a role and is affected by broad issues such as the carbon cycle, the biological pump and climate change.
plankton, oxygen, bacteria, marine, eutrophication, nutrients, climate change, marine microbiology, hypoxia, ocean

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