Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Dr Meritxell Abril
University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia
BETA Technological Center

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
This project proposal is coordinated by the Applied Ecology & Global Change research area of the BETA Technological Center. This research area aims to apply the knowledge on ecosystems functioning as a basis for the design of nature-based and innovative solutions. The research team has extensive experience in monitoring the physicochemical and biological quality (macroinvertebrates and microbial communities; ecosystem functioning) of inland aquatic systems, and assessing ecological impacts on them through field studies and laboratory experiments, including artificial streams and ponds.
Conservation Biology
Environmental Psychology
Landscape ecology
The project proposal aims to assess biodiversity in various ponds created as nature-based solutions. These nature-based solutions are essential for mitigating environmental issues and providing ecosystem services. Ponds play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and supporting various aquatic species. This project will help us understand the effectiveness of these ponds in conserving and enhancing biodiversity.
genetic diversity, zooplankton, macrophytes, amphibians, fish, pond, biodiversity, social impact assessment, social perception, ecosystem services

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