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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Ms Carmen María Pérez
Social Climate

I am looking for a project to join
Social Climate is a cooperative based in southern Spain, working both nationally and internationally. Our mission is to promote climate action through scientific methods and a focus on social justice. We achieve this through innovative approaches, Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), sustainable tourism, and international collaboration. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals with expertise in environmental management, climate change, natural conservation, environmental education, capacity building, social economy, entrepreneurship, innovation, gender perspectives, and social inclusion.

We have experience in participating in different European funded projects.
Sociology of the Environment
Our role involves advising and supporting project promoters in applying the Standard to design Nature-Based Solutions (SbN) as part of project proposals. We also assist in liaising with the IUCN for validating the designs according to the Standard. We use practical tools and resources, such as the "Guidance for using the IUCN Global Standard for nature-based solutions: first edition" (IUCN, 2020) and a self-assessment tool in Excel format. This tool guides the design, improvement, and evaluation of NbS based on specific criteria and indicators, categorizing compliance as strong, adequate, partial, or insufficient. Our guided self-assessment process is supported by verification sources, ensuring the reliability and legitimacy of the designs in the eyes of the IUCN and all stakeholders.

We also have significant experience in socio-environmental training related to NbS. We are currently involved in European projects where we act as mediators between citizens, end-users of NbS, stakeholders, and the scientific community. Our role is to bridge the gap between these groups, encouraging citizen participation and cooperation in the design, implementation, and development of projects to enhance their impact and sustainability. To achieve this, we apply various psycho-pedagogical methodologies and sociological principles to environmental education.

We are eager to be part of an active consortium for the Biodiversa+ call, where we can contribute our experience and expertise.
social ecology, climate justice, gender, cooperative design, nature-based solutions, environmental education, good practices, sociology, education sciences, communication

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