Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Mr Francisco cOSTA
GeoPoint - GeoSDM

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
GeoSDM employs advanced Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to address hydrometeorological risks and climate resilience comprehensively.
We are the most recent GeoPoint ( autonomous project and our project comprises four key modules:
1. Species Distribution Models (SDM): Predicts habitat suitability and environmental impacts, aligning with Nature-Based Solutions (NBS).
2. Surface Motion Monitoring (InSAR): Real-time ground deformation insights for disaster risk reduction.
3. Geosimulation of LULC Changes: Identifies vulnerable areas to hydrometeorological events.
4. Smart Flood Detection with GeoAI: Early warning systems and flood hazard mapping.
GeoSDM offers training and consultancy services for four modules, ensuring effective use of geospatial data, AI technologies and geo-visualization tools.
Biology of interactions
Civil engineering and urban infrastructure (construction and transport)
Conservation Biology
Energy and Fuels
Forestry and forest sciences
Landscape ecology
Ocean engineering
Other Biological Sciences
Remote Sensing
Urban Ecology
The project aims to create Species Distribution Models (SDMs) in selected Natura 2000 Network sites using vegetation series and geoseries (as Potential Natural Vegetation), along with Remotely Sensed Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) derived from Analysis Ready Data (ARD). Through an innovative geoanalytical web-based platform, we will provide consistent, scalable indicators (related to Biodiversity and Land Use and Land Cover changes) to governmental bodies, Natura 2000 managers, stakeholders and the general public. This AI service is anticipated to become a standard for monitoring critical, fragmented areas, enhancing habitat quality and promoting diverse ecosystem mosaics.
biodiversity, remote sensing, webgis, geospatial, natural resources, spatial analysis, vegetation, artificial intelligence, ecosystem, geographic information systems (gis)
We are looking for partners in the field of biological sciences and another in the area of IT infrastructure, particularly cloud infrastructure.

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