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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Entrepreneur Carlotta Conte
Southern Europe
NbS Innovation

I am looking for a project to join
Terrapreta is an innovative start-up that develops community-led services and products to protect, restore and manage degraded and contaminated ecosystems in and around cities. Terrapreta is made up of an interdisciplinary team with a wide range of expertise, including: NbS Innovation, Landscape & Architecture, Social communication, Graphic & Interaction design, Filmmaking, Urban policy, Integrated research and Software development.

Pilot project is Osservatorio La Goccia, a large-scale innovative bioremediation project in Milan, created to study, experiment and apply natural and innovative processes for the reclamation of an industrial urban area on which a spontaneous forest has grown. Terrapreta has been working on solid relationships with local universities, associations, municipalities, research centers and corporates (eg. Municipality of Milan, CNR-IRET, CFU-Italia Nostra, Bicocca Universityand Statale University).

Carlotta Conte-Billant, is the contact point for this application. She is Terrapreta’s co-founder, and NbS product and innovation manager. She focuses on harnessing the power of data and remote sensing technologies to collectively care, value and invest in urban nature. Carlotta has successfully created transnational strategic partnerships to deliver systemic change via a portfolio manager of Nature-based Solutions across Europe. Carlotta has lectured, taught and exhibited widely as well as setting up and leading the open-source platform TreesAI.
Anthropology and ethnology
Bioprocesses and Applied Microbiology
Crop Science
Education sciences
Food Biotechnology
Forestry and forest sciences
History and civilisations
Information sciences and communication
Landscape ecology
Performing Arts
Plant Biotechnology
Plant Sciences
Political sciences
Sociology of Education
Spatial planning and urban development
Urban Ecology
We are looking to join two types of projects:
a) Projects that are looking to test innovative agro-forestry and pollination practices on specific rural lands.
Thanks to our numerous partnerships across Italy we can provide access to a number of sites that would act as test cases for the monitoring, deployment and innovative development of nature-based solutions for the connectivity, regeneration and protection of local landscapes, practices and threatened species.
b) Projects that are looking to protect, restore and manage degraded and contaminated ecosystems specifically in and around cities that require support in the fields of: integrated research management, citizen science, stakeholder engagement, governance strategy and policy making, social communication, landscape design and studies, desealing and soil protection, ecosystemic evaluation, natural reclamation and bioremediation design, community wealth building, natural capital innovation.
agroforestry, watersheds, pollinators, inclusive governance, soil restoration, green jobs, communication, landscape design, urban policy, natural capital
We are not planning to be part of any more conferences this month so feel free to contact us via email or give us a call

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