Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
phd Ainhoa Gaudes
Environmental Technologies

I am looking for a project to join
Leitat is a technological centre in Spain (surroundings of Barcelona) with a strong track record in Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe projects. We are interested in joining a proposal across the three Biodiversa+ call themes. Concretely, we have capacities for setting the technical requirements, developing and installing NBS, such as (electro) wetlands, walls or green roofs for wastewater or greywater treatment for different reuse purposes and for studying the biodiversity-NBS nexus, as well as impact on human wellbeing and participatory approaches/living lab settings.
Urban Ecology
We are interested in joining a proposal across the three Biodiversa+ call themes. Concretely, we have capacities for setting the technical requirements, developing and installing NBS, such as (electro) wetlands, walls or green roofs for wastewater or greywater treatment for different reuse purposes and for studying the biodiversity-NBS nexus, as well as impact on human wellbeing and participatory approaches/living lab settings.
nbs, (electro) wetlands, (electro) green walls, (electro) green roofs, wastewater and greywater treatment

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