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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Dr Marika Tatishvili

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
Feild of expertise-meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology
Marika Tatishvili - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics - Head of the Department of Weather Forecasting, and Disasters Modeling Department of the Institute of Hydrometeorology of the Georgian Technical Universitye. She has the experience of participating in various grant projects on various positions. She is the author of 130 scientific articles, including in high index journals and 4 monographs. She participated in many local and international scientific conferences, attended trainings (Climate change and agriculture. WMO 2014. EUMETSAT/WMO, Training course on the use of satellite products for drought monitoring and agrometeorological applications, 2020; ECMWF MOOC Machine Learning in Weather and Climate, 2023). .In 2012-14 Dr. Marika Tatishvili was scientific leader of following project: 2436 “Development of weather forecasting models for Georgian conditions.” In 2015-17 Dr. Marika Tatishvili was scientific leader of following project: “Development weather and climate regional multimodel forecasting methods for Georgian conditions.”
Key words: weather forecasting, climate change, satellite data
Forestry and forest sciences
The comprehensive assessment of dangerous hydrometeorological events (heavy rain, wind, hail, thunderstorm, drought flood, landslide) using ground and satellite observation for disaster risk reduction and climate resilience to implement Nature Based Solutions will be realized for 1960-2020 in Georgia. The hydrometeorological archieve of the Institutes of Hydrometeorology and National Environmental Agency and Satellite observations include vegetation indices will be used. Based on processed data risk maps will be constructed to identify potential thread areas. Using outputs NBS will be evaluated and applied to selected locations. The project is innovative and combines several scientific fields. It considers collaboration with local governmental bodies and commercial sector.
dangerous hydrometeorological events, nbs, climate change, satellite data, vegetation index, gis map, drr, statistical analysis

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