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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Dr Cristina Quintelas

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The research activity has been carried out at the Biological Engineering Center (CEB), at the University of Minho. Focusing on a core area of ​​environmental engineering, research has focused on the restoration of aquatic ecosystems and soils. In this sense, the work has followed a methodological orientation based on knowledge interfaces, favoring an integration of experimental methods in the area of ​​environmental sciences and chemistry with mathematical modeling of bio-adsorption processes. Until now, research has focused on the removal of heavy metals and organic compounds using biofilms supported on different materials, such as activated carbon, zeolites and clays, in aqueous systems and in soils. After use, the supports were reused, thus adding value to them in catalytic activities. The mathematical modeling of bio-adsorption phenomena was carried out with a view to better understanding the phenomena involved as well as allowing the processes to be adapted to successively larger scales. Different spectroscopy, NIR and fluorimetry techniques were also developed to monitor water treatment processes.
Chemical Engineering
I'm looking for projects in the area of ​​water system restoration. I have experience in treating effluents contaminated with various contaminants such as heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and other organic compounds.
water systems restoration, wwtp monitoring, emerging compounds

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