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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Dr. Linda Legzdina
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics
Crop Research Department

I am looking for a project to join
I have more than 20 year experience in spring barley breeding, with main direction - breeding for organic farming/organic breeding (inc. research on it), including breeding for heterogeneous material.
Crop Science
Plant Selection
I am looking for project to join, where research on organic heterogeneous material (populations, where natural selection does the main work, able to evolve and adapt to particular growing conditions) can fit in. We can participate with already developped barley and wheat populations. We have row data available from previous projects on agronomic/genetic diversity changes in populations during several years of cultivation and due to cultivation in organic/conventional agriculture to be processed and analysed within relevant project (incl.genotyping data). We have started testing of some population improvement methods (incl.selection by molecular markers). Other cereal crops and legume species could be involved too in further work.
organic breeding, evolutionary breeding, natural selection, organic heterogeneous material, composite cross populations, cereals, crops, adaptation
EUCARPIA general congress, EUCARPIA Organic & Low Input Section conference, International Barley Genetics Symposium

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