Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Dr. Anna Wilczynska
Estonian University of Life Sciences
Chair of Landscape Architecture

I am looking for a project to join
We represent the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. Presently, we are actively seeking opportunities to collaborate within project consortia. Our specific area of expertise centers around the study of human and natural environment interactions in daily life, encompassing both urban and rural contexts, with a particular emphasis on agricultural, recreational, and cultural activities. Our research approach combines qualitative and quantitative methods, with a strong focus on behavioral observations, Participatory GIS, Virtual Reality, Landscape Character and Visual assessment, living labs and participatory design, rural and urban landscape governance, and small-scale design interventions. Moreover, we have extensive experience in sustainable design interventions, including Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), as well as in science communication. Notably, we have successfully engaged in significant EU funding initiatives, including Horizon 2020 and a current project with Horizon Europe.
Landscape ecology
Sociology of the Environment
Spatial planning and urban development
Urban Ecology
We are looking for projects with the topic of human and natural environment interactions in daily life, encompassing both urban and rural contexts, with a focus on behavioral observations, Participatory GIS, Virtual Reality, Landscape Character and Visual assessment, living labs and participatory design, rural and urban landscape governance, and small-scale design interventions.
landscape architecture, landscape governance, bioeconomy, health and well-being, agriculture, living lab, participatory design, small-scale interventions, ppgis, virtual reality

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