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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Prof. PhD Paolo Nesi
Univ Florece, DISIT lab, Snap4City

I am looking for a project to join
Snap4 AI/XAI solutions are capable to provide high precisions on predictions, classifications, prescriptions, suggestions and scenario generations and thus they can actually support decision makers as one of your best experts without humans’ bias. Thus, they should be treated as one of trusted experts and put them in the loop with decision makers to collaborate creating tailored solutions, and strategies to mitigate and solve short- and log-terms problems, as well as to support processes of What-If analysis, which were previously developed solely through simulations on the basis of hypothesis. Decision-makers can get suggestions shortening boring activities and the AI can learn from the decision-makers’ objections improving progressively AI capabilities and your preferences, taking into account additional aspects and elements. Extending this capability to allow entering in the loop the community of users, it would result in the production of new data for training (suggestions produced by the users to the AI, generative AI, as well as collective intelligence) which can be actually improve the AI precision and capability in modelling the phenomena and providing effective suggestions.
Civil engineering and urban infrastructure (construction and transport)
Electrical engineering, electronics, information engineering
Flow of energy and matter
Information sciences and communication
Landscape ecology
Mechanical engineering
Physics of Fluids
Spatial planning and urban development
Transportation Planning
Urban Ecology
we are looking for project in which we can use our experise on AI, XAI, anomaly detection, what-if analysis, digital twin.
ai, xai, digital twin, iot, what-if analysis, simulation, traffic flow reconstruction, anomaly detection.
smart city world expo, major cities, DMS, ICECCS, smartcomp

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