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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Biochemical Engineer Sven AERTS
Brussels Capital Region
ESPA-the EU Federation of the 1400 Medical Spas in Europe

I am looking for a project to join
We have long term contracts with the Ministries of Health for paid back treatments of patients with syndromes, elderly, non communicable diseases, revalidation & are linked to hospitals & University research centers where Medical Spa science & healing is taught.
All Medical Spas are supervised by on site medical staff: doctor, nutritionist+cook, ergo+physio+kiné therapist, specialised nurses.
We can bring patients with the same symptoms staying for 3 weeks, in a natural environment; very interesting for testing. Our staff understands what you want them to measure, how & why, study the impact of nature, food, ergotherapy.
We get the bulk of these 10% EU citizens with LongCovidSyndrome. Most have neural damage because of reactivation of herpes & enteroviruses destroying neurons. To regrow them, patients need 3 weeks of ergotherapies, many nature based, giving the body and brain TIME to regrow these neurons and heal: 3 sessions/day, guided meditation/ergotherapies + sleeping & dreaming, natural waking up and siesta = when growth hormone is produced, neurons are restored, body - brain - mind are cleaned/reorganised. There is no pill that is going to regrow neural networks for you.
We are present in 21 EU countries+contacts along the Unesco Silk Roads: culture of revalidation in Hammams, Ayurvedic revalidation centers, Asia/Thailand/Cambodia/China - Taiwan. We are praised for our reconciliating language: help keep what is science based, replace what can go by updated insights.
Anthropology and ethnology
Art History
Education sciences
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Environmental Psychology
History and civilisations
Human Genetics
Human Physiology
Infectious Diseases
Management sciences
Mental Health
Performing Arts
Public Health and Environmental Health
Sociology of Science and Technology
We look for projects who need "something" that "captures" nature based solutions and humans: you can take a picture of our Medical Spa buildings-some are Industrial Era 1815 beautiful historic buildings, other are in the middle of nowhere - very nature based, or of our patients doing guided ergotherapy in floating pods, guided meditation in nature, natural or research settings in a lab alike environment, healthy very specialised cooking because our patients need very specific elements, restoring the gut biome, growing & collecting food with our nutricionist/passionate cooks is also very ergo-therapeutic for patients=reconnecting with nature/with healthy food/healthy lifestyles.
Patients suffering from syndrome diseases, non communicable diseases (allergies-respiratory diseases, recovering from cancer, prevention through replacing bad by healthy lifestyles) - is all about viruses, bacteria, unhealthy cities destroying the fundamentals: destroying neurons in your brain, reactivating herpes- & enteroviruses that a healthy immune system normally can keep dormant but become reactivated by a secondary stressor: (covid19)virus, bacteria, stress/bad company team management.
In 21 EU member states there are Medical Spas that are paid back, if we include the 3 Scandinavian countries they have a lot of nature and agree the importance of nature for health/healing, but there are a couple of countries that are notorius "pills will make you better, looking at a photo of nature is as good".
new european bauhaus, healing, images, photos, marketing
Our ESPA Congress in Karlovy Vary, Czechia 4 - 6 October 2023
Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
We are in the DG SANTE #EuHealthUnion, #EuLongCovidProgram, #EuHealthPlatform
DG Agriculture uses us in their Rural Development Strategy
DG EAC - Athletes from Sport, Dance, Acrobats uses us in their Dual & Transition (Social) Career Mgt of Athletes

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