Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Dr. Wendy Wuyts
Omtre AS

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
Project and innovation management, systems oriented design, industrial Ecology, geography, environmental humanities

We are doing research and innovation with reclaimed wood for construction for almost 3 years, mostly in Norway. We can bring analytical and technical skills to evaluate the structural and environmental dynamics of reclaimed wood. We can engage in lifecycle analyses and contribute to policy and best practice formulations. We participate also in standardization committees.
Anthropology and ethnology
Civil engineering and urban infrastructure (construction and transport)
Education sciences
Environmental Psychology
Information sciences and communication
Materials science and engineering
Public Health and Environmental Health
Sociology of Education
Spatial planning and urban development
Reimagining Reclaimed Wood: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Biodiversity and Community Well-being

Our project seeks to harness the potential of reclaimed wood in bolstering biodiversity and fostering community well-being. Through a series of interlinked objectives, we aim to assess, innovate, and educate, delving deep into the lifecycle impacts of reclaimed wood, community-engaged strategies, risk assessments, educational outreach, and policy development.

We are Seeking Experts in the Following Disciplines:

1. Natural Scientists: Dive into the ecological side of reclaimed wood. Understand its potential in fostering biodiversity, contribute to lifecycle environmental assessments, and be a part of educational outreach initiatives.

2. Social Scientists and humanities scholars: understanding community perceptions, engaging them in participatory actions, and gauging the socio-economic implications of reclaimed wood projects. Be at the forefront of community-driven strategies.

3. Geographers: Help us navigate the spatial dynamics of reclaimed wood sourcing, transport, and implementation. Use GIS and other spatial tools to analyze risks, benefits, and community engagements across diverse geographies.

4. Safety Scientists: Address and mitigate potential risks associated with reclaimed wood. Ensure the safety of communities, users, and ecosystems by identifying biological and chemical hazards and recommending best practices.
timber, circular built environment, transport, safety, reclaimed wood, timber construction, reuse, life cycle assessment, lumber, wood

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