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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Dr Romaric Vincent

I am looking for a project to join
I am a former multidisciplinary academic researcher, joining a farm. The farm has a unique experience in developping pasture cropping. We will bring the farmer's vision of his context, and practical issues that make some theories inaplicable in a real-life context. I can make the connexion between the reality of a farm's and the questions that can arise from an innovative farm and can be translated in research questions.
Crop Production
On a farm, we develop a pasture cropping agrosystem adapted to Europe. Inspired by the grassland biome, we direct-drill winter cereals into perennial legume pastures that controls weeds for us. We hope to restaure soil's fonctions while producing quality crops at the same time. We manage most of the farm with minimal (3-5cm) up to zero tillage. The farm is run with zero fertilisers and zero pesticides. We would be much interested by sharing our "real-life" settup on two research thematics that we think usefull to the developpement of pasture cropping:
- better understand the yield factors from soil and rhisosphere studies => in particular, how root exsudates impacts the priming effect, and can it be used as a "fertilizing" operation when we mow or graze?
- biodiversity studies of a unique cropping system that has no equivalent in crop farming => the goal could be to design payment schemes for ecosystemic services?
pasture cropping, organic conservation agriculture, real-life settup, on-farm researcher

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