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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Dr. Mireia Pecurul
Centre de Ciencia i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya
Socio-economics and governance of rural systems

I am looking for a project to join
Mireia is currently co-leading the group of socio-economy and governance of rural systems. She holds a Ph.D. in Forest Governance from the University of Leeds (UK); an MSc. in European Forestry from the University of Joensuu (Finland); and an Engineering in Forestry from the University of Lleida (Spain). Mireia has over twenty years of experience working as a social scientist in forestry in Spain and the U.K. and she has participated in several European Projects and co-authored academic publications.
Her research focuses on understanding the complex relationships between forestry and society. Currently, her activity focuses on three main topics:
1. Forest and forest-related policy analysis at different levels,
2. Multi-actor approaches and co-creation processes to foster innovation and integration of different types of knowledge.
3. Sustainability transitions for societal wellbeing
Management sciences
Political sciences
Sociology of the Environment
human values, governance of transformation, trade-offs, synergies, social economic and ecological assessement, barriers to transformation, action research, biodiversity, well-being
Needs to be developed further
human values, governance of transformation, trade-offs, synergies, social economic and ecological assessement, barriers to transformation, action research, biodiversity, well-being
Transforming Forests : 2-day conference in conjunction with the professorial inaugurations of Maria Tengö and Georg Winkel
What role do forests globally play in sustainability transformations
Date: November 16 and 17, 2023

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