Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Prof Assaf Shwartz
Technion - Israel institute of technology
Architecture and Town Planning

I am looking for a project to join
I am a socio-ecologist who specializes in theoretically-grounded, applied research about how to promote nature conservation and its associated well-being benefits. My main drive is to go beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries and search for sustainable solutions to plan and manage human-dominated landscapes for the mutual benefit of people and biodiversity conservation. My research adopt an interdisciplinary angle in the fields of urban ecology and agroecology. I explore the trade-offs and synergies between nature-based solution and wellbeing (ERC starting grant Niche4NbS), human connections to nature and the means to enhance them, how do design sustainable building envelopes (ECOLOPES project), monitoring animal movement behaviours as a tool for planning effective ecological corridors and how to promote pro-biodiversity Behavioural change.
Behavioral Biology
Environmental Psychology
Landscape ecology
Population Biology
Spatial planning and urban development
Urban Ecology
I am working for a while now on trade-offs and synergies between nature-based solution social (health and wellbeing) and ecological (biodiversity conservation) outcomes in urban and rural areas. I have no specific idea for a project and I would also like to develop research about pro-biodiversity human behaviours (which relate to the third theme of this call).
urban ecology, agroecology, environmental psychology, pro-nature conservation behaviours, sustainable planning

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