Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Dr. Camilo Ayala Garcia
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Faculty od Art and Design

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
The Design Friction Lab is a Multidisciplinary Research Lab and Design Studio at the intersection of science and the industry, of reality, innovation and vision. We constantly seek out the next big vision and innovative environmental solutions while challenging conventions and fostering reflexivity.

Camilo obtained his Ph.D. in design degree on the topic of Do-It-Yourself Materials as triggers of change at Politecnico di Milano. With his teaching activities, he devotes his research to local materials and product development, grassroots materials development, Transitions for circular economy, open-source technologies, DIY and sustainable product design.

-Perez Rodriguez C, Ayala-Garcia C and Rognoli V. Kingdom Fungi capabilities as materials for design. Materials Open Res 2023, 2:1
-Rognoli, V., Ayala-Garcia, C. (2021). Defining the DIY-Materials approach. In: Materials Experience 2: Expanding territories of materials and design. Butterworth-Heinemann.
-Walter, AO., Campuzano Correa, P., Ayala-Garcia, C (2023) ßoihisșaata: a material proposal for the technological democratization of microbial fuel cells in the colombian context . In: Cumulus Detroit- Design for Adaptation Proceedings (pp.657).
-Celi, M., Rognoli, V., Ayala-Garcia, C. (2023). Prototypes for Speculative Design Research. In: Ferraris, S.D. (eds) The Role of Prototypes in Design Research. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology(). Springer, Cham.
Anthropology and ethnology
Conservation Biology
Education sciences
Plant Sciences
Political sciences
Population Biology
Sociology of the Environment
Urban Ecology
How can an interdisciplinary team build an open source platform for DIYR Citizen Science, which can provide all the necessary tools to build objects and artefacts that help to produce biodiversity gain in urban and peripherical areas following Nature-Based Solution principles?

General Objective
Develop a theoretical framework and proper guidelines allowing the design and implementation of Nature-Based elements to be built with open-source technology that helps systematically increase biodiversity in urban areas through local citizen interventions.

Specific Objectives
The first objective is to highlight the possibilities and benefits that DIYR Citizen Science can provide when considered a possible practice in biodiversity gain.

The second objective is to find and define a proper set of guidelines, designs and blueprints that can be utilised by citizens who want to engage in actively increasing biodiversity through the act of making.
-diy citizen science, -community engagement, -grassroot urban development, -nature-based elements, -design for biodiversity gain, -open source, -democratisation of technology

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