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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Doctor in Ecology Pedro Gerhard
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa
Embrapa Meio Ambiente (Embrapa: Environment Unity)

I am looking for a project to join
Research: PhD in ecology, specialized in studies relating the impacts of land use and cover in watersheds on aquatic fauna, aquatic ecosystems, water resources and ecosystem services related to water. Recent research includes understanding how ecological restoration of riparian forests and land management can improve the health of rivers and wetlands and the flow of ecosystem services. Recent projects evaluate forest restoration and native forest fragments and water quality in public policy programs of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES).

Skills: GIS, mapping LULC and aquatic ecosystems, ecological monitoring

Selected publications:

Monteles JS, Gerhard P, Ferreira A, Sonoda KC. Agriculture impacts benthic insects on multiple scales in the Eastern Amazon, Biological Conservation, Volume 255, 2021, 108998, ISSN 0006-3207,

Gerhard P, and Verdade LM. Stream Fish Diversity in an Agricultural Landscape of Southeastern Brazil". Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes of Southeastern Brazil, edited by Carla Gheler-Costa, Maria Carolina Lyra-Jorge and Luciano Martins Verdade, Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter Open Poland, 2016, pp. 206-224.

Gerhard P, Moraes R, Molander, S. Stream fish communities and their associations to habitat variables in a rain forest reserve in southeastern Brazil. Environmental Biology of Fishes 71, 321–340 (2004).
Landscape ecology
Remote Sensing
Project to join:

I am interested in joining a thematic project on aquatic ecosystems conservation and restoration and its influences in promoting ecosystem services flows. The poject may compared different land/soil conservation practices, riparian forest and ecosystem restoration and include land-owners perceptions, practices and opportunities in engaging in PES programs.
aquatic ecosystem services, aquatic integrity and health, ecological restoration ecology, stream and wetlands conservation, enhanced aquatic habitat mapping, riparian mapping

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