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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
PhD Beatriz Martin
Randbee Consultants
Data Science

I am looking for a project to join
Randbee Consultants is a private consultancy company founded in Málaga (Spain). Since 2015, Randbee has been involved in several international projects related to biodiversity, environmental conservation, land and marine spatial planning, as well as climate, energy, and different socioeconomic sectors. Among others, Randbee is actively involved in Horizon 2020, the ESPON Programme and the Copernicus European Earth Observation Programme.
Our scope covers the development of big data management, analysis and modelling, through machine learning techniques and other statistical approaches and with the support of Earth Observation open datasets. In addition we have wide experience in the creation of web visualization tools, as well as in e-learning and capacity development. Specifically, we are experts on translating raw data into derived spatial information for conservation and decision making as well as for education, including the development of web-based decision support and storytelling and visualization tools. The team members count on experts on Biodiversity Conservation, with an extensive research trajectory and a wide experience on the analysis of biodiversity data recorded for a diverse range of taxa, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, insects and plants, in a variety of habitats (from agroecosystems to forests, as well as marine and coastal environments, among others) under systematic and non-systematic (e.g. citizen science projects) surveys.
Behavioral Biology
Conservation Biology
Landscape ecology
Marine Biology
Other Biological Sciences
Population Biology
Regarding Nature Base Solutions (NBSs), we have experience on the use of Green and Blue Infrastructures (GBI) (an interconnected network of natural and designed landscape elements, including water bodies and green and open spaces, which supply a wide range of provisioning, regulatory, cultural and supporting services) as NBSs. In this sense, we have proposed a novel approach for systematically selecting cost-effective areas for restoration on the basis of biodiversity, ecosystem services, and ecosystem condition to give an optimal spatial design of Green and Blue Infrastructure (DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.416). We are interested in biodiversity related projects where we can offer support in the following subjects: spatial analysis, spatio-temporal modelling, large scale climate predictors, assessment of climate change impacts; creation of storytelling and other dissemination web-based products, including project website; data management (creation of digital platforms for data management and design of the overall Data Management Plan for the project).
biodiversity, green and blue infrastructure, spatial analysis, spatial modelling, data management, storytelling, ecosystem services, climate change

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