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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
PhD Adina Boldeiu
IMT Bucharest
Laboratory of Nanotechnology

I am looking for a project to join
-Silicon nanostructuration (porous Si/Si nanowires), internal surface functionalization for biomedical applications, high sensitive layer for biosensors or substrate for protein and DNA microarray technology.
- nanocomposite structures like metallic nanoparticles / carbon based nanomaterials dispersed into porous silicon matrix consist the base for novel substrates for SERS / SEIRS biodetection, cold electron emitters and electrocatalytic membrane based on silicon: (electrochemical) sensors for biological investigations, environment monitoring and food quality control;
- energy harvesting (miniaturized fuel cell devices such as clean energy sources).
- naNotoxicology - advanced characterization methods for nanoparticles analysis in different stages of their life cycle -size distribution and surface charge distribution of nanomaterials;
Biotechnology (excluding environmental, medical, agricultural and food)
Chemistry of Materials
Energy and Fuels
Materials science and engineering
We are pleased to offer our expertise in order to develop a fruitfully collaboration between our lab and others labs in order to ipromote and support transnational biodiversity!
(electrochemical) sensors for biological investigations, environment monitoring and food quality, lab-on-chip platforms targeted in nanomedicine, energy harvesting (miniaturized fuel cell devices such as clean energy sources)

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