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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Dr. Friedrich Reinhard
Kuzikus Wildlife Reserve

I am looking for a project to join
We are are a field research station in Namibia located on Kuzikus Wildlife Reserve, a 10000 ha privately owned wildlife reserve. We offer accommodation and supervision to researchers conducting field research in open savanna ecology and conservation. We are associate partner in the 3.7 Mio EUR-funded wild drone project We are host of the Kuzikus Mapping Project, a long-term, growing data-set of farm-scale (10000 ha), high resolution drone imagery that started in 2014 under the name SAVMAP in cooperation with EPFL with multiple puplications (see website). We are two brothers with ecology degrees and work experience and we are owners of Kuzikus Wildlife Reserve. Our vision is to push the boundaries of nature conservation in the Kalahari for the benefit of all Namibians.
Conservation Biology
Remote Sensing
We are looking for a strong project to join in the field of conservation ecology and technology. We are highly motivated to take sustainable nature conservation on the basis of nature-based solutions in the digital age to the next level.
conservation biology, africa, savanna, drones, field research

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