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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Asociate profesor Georgiana Duta Cornescu
University of Bucharest

I am looking for a project to join
Expertise description. Skills and competences.

The members of the reasearch team (professors, associate professors, lecturers, assistant professors, young researchers, lab technicians, students) are part of the Department of Genetics and the Center for Research, Training and Consulting in Genetics, Microbiology and Biotechnology – MICROGEN (established in 1995), Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest.

There are two groups:

 Plant Genetics and Biotechnology – the members have an extensive expertise in plant genetics (both molecular and cytogenetics), plant population genetics, participating in more than 25 research programs. The main fields of expertise are:

- precise taxonomic identification of the plant species/populations/cultivars using DNA markers (SSR, SNP) and techniques such as simple and double ARMS-PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, PAGE– Silver staining, sequencing markers;

- quantification of the genetic diversity using RAPD, ISSR, RFLP, AFLP, SCoT markers and partitioning of the intra and interpopulational genetic variation (AMOVA test) on new and promising plant species with economic and therapeutic importance (for marker assisted selection and biodiversity conservation;

- complex genetic characterization and comparative studies (at cytogenetic and molecular levels) in different plant species from natural and anthropic ecosystems; the effect of the anthropic impact on plant nuclear genomes;
- reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships between plant species/popu
Cellular Biology
Conservation Biology
Crop Science
Evolutionary Biology
Food Biotechnology
Genetics and heredity (excluding Medical Genetics)
Molecular Biology
Plant Biotechnology
Plant Protection
Plant Selection
Population Genetics
Quantitative genetics
Selection using molecular markers
We would like to join a project where our expertise can be useful.
plant, biodiversity, genetics, soil diversity, microorganisms

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