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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
PhD Corina Bubueanu
National Institute for Chemical and Pharmaceutical R&D
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

I am looking for a project to join
Sustainable use of natural resources
Research in the field of the obtaining of new, natural medicines/drugs based on the selective herbal/vegetal/ mushroom extracts, involving both, fundamental research in order to design the most properly phyto-chemical composition, as well as applicative
Research concerning the following activities: the isolation of the various selective vegetal extracts enriched in the interest phyto-chemical compounds; analytical screening of the obtained vegetal extracts and the selection of the most properly ones by using specific, combined methods (ex., spectral and spectro-photometrical methods combined with HPTLC); the obtaining of the final pharmacological active product with high pharmacological potential by the combination of the most active vegetal extracts; the setting up of the most appropriate and reproducible extractive technologies of these selective extracts and the correspondingly final active product as to the technological transfer from laboratory to pilot level.
Food Biotechnology
Plant Biotechnology
Sustainable use of natural resources
vegetal, mushrooms, medicinal and ornamental plants, biotechnology

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