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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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PhD candidate Abel Gonotokpah Gonotee
Gavin Publisher

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Organic soil
Soil types
Land degradations

Ongoing project: Studying the impact of nature-based solutions in land and water management for enhancing ecosystem services and climate change adoption in West Africa, Liberia
The themes of the project: studying the impact of nature-based solutions in land and water management for enhancing ecosystem services and climate change adoption in West Africa, specifically Liberia.
The project aims to investigate the effectiveness and potential benefits of nature-based solutions in improving land and water management practices in the region. It will focus on understanding how these solutions can enhance ecosystem services, such as water purification, soil fertility, and biodiversity conservation, while also helping communities adapt to climate change impacts.
By studying the impact of nature-based solutions, the project aims to generate knowledge and evidence that can inform policy and decision-making processes related to land and water management in Liberia and West Africa more broadly. This research will contribute to the development of sustainable and climate-resilient practices, benefiting both the environment and local communities.
The reason you are looking for a partner for this project funding is likely due to the need for additional resources, expertise, and collaboration. Partnering with organizations or institutions that have experience in conducting research on nature-based solutions, land and water management, and climate change adaptation can provide valuable support in terms of funding, technical capacity, and access to relevant networks and stakeholders. This partnership will enhance the project's overall impact and increase the likelihood
ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation, sustainable land management, water management, natural infrastructure, green infrastructure, resilience, restoration and nature-based interventions.

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