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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Dr. Helena Naffa
Corvinus University of Budapest
Sustainable Finance Research Centre

I am looking for a project to join
We are researchers and practitioners in investments and finance, who cover ESG investing, sustainable finance, climate finance. New area of research is financing solutions for biodiversity preservation, we are looking for theoretical economic models as well empirical research to find the (financial) value of nature, and seek innovative financial tools that help fund or alleviate risk using nature-based solutions (NBS).

We are seeking partner in our field of research (management, finance, economics, social sciences) or more multidisciplinary partners where biodiversity finance research can be applied.
Management sciences
We are interested in researching biodiversity finance. Seeking innovative financial tools to help fund nature-based solutions. Performing economic theory modelling for measuring risk, valuation of externalities of NBS, risk mitigation, incentives for sustainable finance investing, performance measurement of nature-themed investments. We have capabilities of including game theory, risk allocation, capital allocation, ESG investing, asset pricing, and leveraging economic theory with relation to biodiversity presevation.
biodiversity finance, funding of nature-based solution, climate finance, sustainable finance, esg investing
PRI in Person (Tokyo) 3-5th Oct, 2023.
AFML (Budapest) 9-10th November, 2023.

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