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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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PhD Ion Rosca
Moldova State University
"Alexandru Ciubotaru" National Botanical Garden (Institute)

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The research and competences in the field of determination of the biological and developmental characteristics of ornamental woody plants grown in containers and the development of techniques for their cultivation; generative propagation and the adaptation of plants in containers; vegetative propagation of ornamental cultivars of deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs by cuttings planted in cell trays; determination of optimal media for rhizogenesis and plant growth; determination of optimal methods of applying mineral nutrients and fertilizers to ornamental plants; evaluation of the influence of the growing media and the availability of nutrient ions on the growth rate of ornamental woody plants; assessment of the winter hardiness of plants and proposal of methods of overwinter storage, led to the co-authorship of four new varieties: Aronia melanocarpa 'ALECSANDRINA'; Sorbus x hybrida 'CATRIN'; Hippophae rhamnoides 'ELISA'; Hippophae rhamnoides 'REGINA'.
Forestry and forest sciences
Landscape ecology
Other Biological Sciences
Plant Protection
Plant Sciences
Plant Selection
THEME B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss
THEME C: The contribution of Nature-Based Solutions for just transformative change
biodiversity loss, conservation, aclimatisation, introduction, forestry, ecological education

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