Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Dr Nathalie Michels
Ghent University

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
After a biomedical medicine master and PhD, I am 9 years postdoctoral researcher in public health and psychophysiology. I bridge psychological (stress, eating behaviour), environmental (nature, food environment) and biological factors (obesity, hormones, inflammation, microbiome). I examine the effect of nature on human health (psychological stress, dietary behaviour and biomarkers) via longitudinal studies, lab experiments and interventions in adults and adolescents. The novelty in my latest studies is on the multisensorial nature exposures (including bio-active compounds), a newly tested health outcome (eating behaviour) and the application of nature indoors.
My closest related articles:
• Residential landscape as a predictor of psychosocial stress in the life course from childhood to adolescence
• A multi-exposure approach to study telomere dynamics in childhood: A role for residential green space and waist circumference
• The psychophysiological reactivity to beaches vs. to green and urban environments: Insights from a virtual reality experiment
• Indoor nature integration for stress recovery and healthy eating: A picture experiment with plants versus green color
• Nature Sounds for Stress Recovery and Healthy Eating: A Lab Experiment Differentiating Water and Bird Sound
• The Effect of Nature-related Odours on Stress and Eating Behaviour: a Laboratory Experiment with Pine and Grass Volatiles
• Human Microbiome and Metabolic Health: An Overview of Systematic Reviews
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Environmental Psychology
Human Physiology
Mental Health
Public Health and Environmental Health
Longitudinal studies, lab experiments or interventions in adults or adolescents studying the effects of nature-based solutions on human health or human behaviour that need expertise in biomarkers, dietary behaviour, stress, or specific nature applications (indoor, multi-sensorial, volatiles, microbiome).
indoor plants, psychophysiology, lab experiment, cohort studies, stress, eating behaviour, microbiome, public health, biomarkers, healthy diet

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