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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Dr (Assoc. Prof.), Head of insti Jerneja Penca
Science and Research Centre Koper
Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies

I am looking for a project to join
We conduct problem-driven transdisciplinary research, inspired by local issues in Slovenian Istria/Northern Adriatic/Slovenia in a close exchange with global sustainability discourses about transformative change. Research spans land and marine socio-ecological systems (e.g. nature-based solutions in urban areas and restoration of marine habitats).

We combine expertise from life sciences, humanities and social sciences for scientific research and applicative projects. The focus of the Institute is on the North Adriatic region in its geo-climatic, biological and political diversity, while considering a close interdependence among regions. We practice participatory activities to create impact at the local and regional levels and are involved in national and international science-policy interface (incl. IPBES, MedECC).

Where needed, we actively connect with other institutes of the Science and Research Centre Koper to ensure a holistic delivery of research questions (e.g. Institute for Behavioral Economics; for Social Sciences; for Oliveculture; Mediterranean Health Centre...). ZRS Koper is a public research institute that conducts research in support of the preservation of the identity of space and communities in the Mediterranean and the North Adriatic region, and for their sustainable development.
Anthropology and ethnology
Evolutionary Biology
Landscape ecology
Languages and literature
Management sciences
Marine Biology
Political sciences
Public Health and Environmental Health
Sociology of the Environment
Spatial planning and urban development
Urban Ecology
Looking for a highly motivated project consortium in the domain of nature-based solutions
transformative change, local-global scale, nature-based solutions, science-policy-society interface, transformative research
Not planning any conferences in the next two months, but available to discuss potential cooperation via online meetings

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