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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
PhD Lola VirĂ¡g Kiss
MATE - Hungarian Agricultural and Life Sciences University
Department of Zoology and Ecology

I am looking for a project to join
We are a hungarian university department working in the field of soil zoology, ecotoxicology, nanomaterails and anything in the topic of animal science. We also have an experience working with pollinators. We are open to any kind of partnership around the world.
Conservation Biology
Landscape ecology
We are eager to participate in any kind of project working in the field of pollinators, soil zoology and ecotoxicology, microplastics and nanomaterials. We also have an expertise with large herbivorous ungulates and their feeding habits.

We also have ideas for projects if someone interested in joining us as a partner:

-Complex zoological examination of flower borders of agricultural fields (we have working field system for this, groups that can be involved: soil animals, birds, perhaps ground surface predatory arthropods, "pest" insects (e.g. bugs, aphids, etc.) small mammals, small game)

- Assessment of the impact of intensive living and grazing conditions of large herbivorous ungulates (red deer and fallow deer, gray cattle, domestic buffalo, domestic donkey, domestic horse) for the purpose of a complex examination of the plant composition, soil biological processes and carrying capacity of pastures

- Examination of the effects of some (practically usable) plant ingredients, extracts and mulch materials on harmful groups (e.g. root knot forming nematodes) AND on useful "non-targets"

- Development of microplastic in soil test system, interaction with nanoparticles

- Creation of a National or Wordwide Beekeeping Database
ecotoxicology, soil animals, nbs, grazing, flower borders, microplastics, nanomaterials, pollinators, bee, plant extract
SETAC Europe 34th

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