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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Dr Margit van Wessel
Wageningen University & Research
Strategic Communication Chair Group

I am looking for a project to join
Civil society and advocacy. I do primarily qualitative research and have published widely on the role of civil society and advocacy in the domains of environment, climate and development. Some recent publications include:

Van Wessel, M., Kontinen, T., Bawole, J. (Eds.) (2023). Reimagining civil society collaborations in development. Starting from the South. Abingdon: Routledge.

Syal, R., Van Wessel, M., Sahoo, S. (2021) Collaboration, co-optation, or navigation? The role of civil society in disaster governance in India. Voluntas 32, 795–808.

Katyaini, S., Van Wessel, M., Sahoo, S. (2021). Representation by development organizations. Evidence from India and implications for inclusive development. Journal of Environment and Development 30(1) 98–123.

Van Wessel, M., Naz, F., & Sahoo, S. (2021). Complementarities in CSO Collaborations: How Working with Diversity Produces Advantages. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 32(4): 717-730

Rajeshwari, B., Deo, N., & van Wessel, M. (2020). Negotiating autonomy in capacity development: Addressing the inherent tension. World Development, 134, 105046.
Carvalho, A., van Wessel, M., & Maeseele, P. (2017). Communication practices and political engagement with climate change: a research agenda. Environmental Communication, 11 (1): 122-135.
Anthropology and ethnology
Information sciences and communication
Political sciences
Sociology of the Environment
I would like to join a project that seeks to engage with the roles of civil society in addressing questions of biodiversity. This can be in diverse regions of the world.
civil society, advocacy, citizens, politics, mobilization, conflict, collaboration, social movements, governance, ngos

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