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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
Doctorate Carlos Eduardo Mounic Silva
Santa Catarina State
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Laboratory of Biology and Aquaculture of Freshwater Fish (LAPAD)

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
Experience in the area of ​​ecology and biology of freshwater fish, mainly in reproduction, migration and recruitment of migratory fish in neotropical rivers. Also active in the area of ​​continental fish farming, focusing on fish species native to the hydrographic regions of Brazil. Currently working on a line of research that seeks to understand the relationship between aquaculture and its surroundings, especially mariculture practiced in coastal areas of Brazil.
Conservation Biology
Fisheries Science and Technology
In the city of Florianópolis, in the state of Santa Catarina, is located the largest production of marine bivalve molluscs (from aquaculture) in Latin America. The aquaculture of bivalves on the coast of the state of Santa Catarina is carried out in bays and coastal beaches, directly in the sea. The culture structures interfere in the behavior of the fish and, therefore, in the fishing. We want to unravel this relationship for the coast of Santa Catarina and other parts of the Brazilian Coast. A plausible hypothesis is that the cultivation of marine molluscs can positively interfere in the fishing (in yield, species with greater commercial value, ease of fishing...) and, if this hypothesis is true, the bivalve aquaculture increase the fishing potential of the bays and coastal beaches (some coastal ecosystems) of this region. Of course, up to a certain limit (and is this the most important question: what is this limit?).
However, we know that we need international help, from researchers with experience in ecological modeling for marine resources to solve this question. We have the socio-environmental context and the workforce, however we need partnerships for financial resources, planning and data analysis. Here in Brazil, we have other interested researchers, especially in the region of Angra dos Reis, state of Rio de Janeiro.
So, we would like to know if you are interested in forming a partnership for develop this project to the Biodiversa Call 2023.
Let's go?
restorative aquaculture, nature-based solutions, coastal marine management, fisheries ecology, fisheries management, tropical fisheries.
Some Brazilian Scientific Institutions.

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