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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Prof. dr. Tim Nawrot
Hasselt University

I am looking for a project to join
Tim Nawrot heads the environmental and molecular epidemiology research line at Hasselt University and is part-time professor at the Environment and Health Unit of Leuven University. He is founder of the ENVIRONAGE (ENVIRonmental influence ON AGEing in early life) birth cohort in the framework of an ERC grant (2012). He is part of the EU EXPoSOMICS consortium, STOP consortium on the prevention of obesity (H2020) and in the 2019 funded exposome projects: ATHLETE, EXIMIOUS exposome consortia (H2020). In the framework of HORIZON he is WP leader in programmes of indoor air (LEARN) and European hotspots of pollution (MISTRAL).
He is specially interested in early life exposures and how this might impact telomere length to understand the health disease continuum over the life course. The research unit includes currently, a tenure track professorship, 2 postdoctoral and 18 PhD fellowships. He has authored/co-authored 400 scientific publications.
Tim Nawrot contributed to the translation of his findings into prevention producing reports, guidelines and recommendations used by WHO, European summit of air pollution (Vilnius declaration), in national and European parliamentary hearings and in government commissions such as Dutch Health Council and the US Health Effect Institute.
He is associate editor of Environmental Health, associate editor Environmental Health Perspectives and editor in chief for children studies for Frontiers in Public Health.
Public Health and Environmental Health
Birth cohorts, green space, air pollution, gut microbiome, skin mirobiome are projects we currently work on.
microbiome, environmental health, dohad, air pollution, green space, ageing, environmental epidemiology
International Society of Environmental Epidemiology

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