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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
M.Arch Claudia Sánchez

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NBSCLIMATE we are a Spanish social enterprise that facilitates the design, evaluation and continuous improvement of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) through IUCN Global Standard for NBS, whose professional certification we hold. Therefore, we maximize the impact of NBS interventions, in particular climate resilience and inclusive economic opportunities, by optimizing scale and scalability, biodiversity, inclusive governance, economic viability, balanced tradeoffs, and adaptive management. Moreover, we bring the social innovation and green entrepreneurship perspective into the NBS space.
Within this context, for the last 15 years our team members have participated in several projects at all levels, from local to European and global, with public, private and hybrid funding; always seeking to contribute with equitable and fair solutions to existing societal challenges, improving the wellbeing of human communities and ecosystems alike.
For more info, please refer to our website at or contact us at
Landscape ecology
Sociology of the Environment
Urban Ecology
We are interested in projects developing Nature-based Solutions to build climate resilience. We contribute with the framework of IUCN Global Standard for NbS, in which we're certified, as well as the perspectives of social innovation and green entrepreneurship.
nature-based solutions, nbs, green entrepreneurship, biodiversity, social innovation, iucn nbs global standard

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