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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Dr Carola Gomez-Rodriguez
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

I am looking for a project to join
- Development of methods and analysis of biological diversity patterns and trends (from genetic diversity to community variation)
- Integrative biogeography
- Community phylogeography

I am a macroecologist mostly interested in the role of dispersal limitation structuring large-scale biodiversity patterns, both at genetic and species levels. Long-term (or historical) dispersal limitation is a critical player in global change scenarios because a large fraction of less-known diversity, mostly invertebrates, seems to be far from equilibrium with climate. It is thus uncertain how it will respond to current climate warning and whether some biological groups may be able to track their optimal habitat and climatic conditions. In this context, the extent to which different species and genetic lineages have expanded their geographic ranges since the last ice age offers the closest analogue we may have to understand how biodiversity will respond to future habitat and climatic changes in the Anthropocene.
I use ecological and evolutionary approaches, mostly at the assemblage level, and I am also particularly excited about the development of new methods for the inventory, characterization and projection of biodiversity patterns.
Development and application of methods to refine priorities and needs for adequate biodiversity assessment and protection. From local to regional and global scales.
macroecology, biodiversity modeling, beta diversity, distance-decay, turnover, nestedness, endemism, spatial structure
Conference of the International Biogeography Society

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