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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Doctor in engineering Federico Faugno

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3Bee is an Italian scale-up company dedicated to the development of technologies for monitoring terrestrial biodiversity. The company has developed an innovative monitoring protocol named Element-e. This system leverages remote sensing and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for data acquisition related to fauna and flora. 3Bee's pioneering approach seeks to integrate technology and environmental science in an effort to enhance our understanding and preservation of the earth's biodiversity.
Electrical engineering, electronics, information engineering
Remote Sensing
3Bee has proposed a cutting-edge research project designed to analyze the effectiveness and accuracy of various Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) using their innovative monitoring protocol, Element-e. This protocol employs a dual-level data acquisition approach, involving remote sensing and Internet of Things (IoT) bioacoustic sensors, to gather detailed and comprehensive ecological data.

The main goal of this research project is to validate that a monitoring approach based on the Element-e methodology can accurately represent a certain percentage of the state of biodiversity in a given area. Through this, 3Bee hopes to establish Element-e as a reliable and powerful tool for ecological monitoring and biodiversity conservation.

In addition to this, the project will also look into what additional data entries could potentially optimize the representativeness of the monitoring. Through the rigorous analysis of various NBS, the research could provide invaluable insights into which methods are most effective, informing future conservation efforts and policies.

3Bee is already in partnership with a prestigious Italian research institute, conducting various Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) pilot projects. We are now actively seeking partners in other countries who are engaged in demonstrative natural restoration actions and who could benefit from applying our innovative monitoring protocol, Element-e.
iot, remote sensing, monitoring, nbs, biodiversity, pollinators

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