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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Dr Rivka Ofir
Desert and Dead sea R&D (Dead Sea and Arava Science Center)
Central Arava Branch

I am looking for a project to join
The project:
I am looking for a project that will enable to create a digital library of Israel desert plants and their metabolites and to explore the potential of desert plants to become Medicinal Plants based on their chemical diversity. The aim is to preserve the biodiversity of desert plants.
1. Molecular genetics of signal transduction
2. Desert Chemistry”- Stress conditions-based plant metabolites for drug discovery
3. Drug discovery using cellular and whole animal models for human diseases
8. Healthy aging – Screening natural/ farming-derived products for inhibiting senescence
4. Cannabis-related pain relievers- Cells engineered to express pain receptor (TRPV1) as in vitro model for screening cannabis metabolites (cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids)
5. Gene editing/Crispr for improving traits
6. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and hiPSCs-derived cells as 2D and 3D models for regenerartive medicine
9. Drug discovery- using hiPSCs as “Disease in a dish” models
10. Regeneration vs. neurodegeneration –using iPSCs-derived brain stem cells models for unveiling metabolites that can induce regeneration of specific brain cells
Cellular Biology
Molecular Biology
Transgenic Agro-pharmacology
The project:
I am looking for a project that will enable to create a digital library of Israel desert plants and their metabolites and to explore the potential of desert plants to become Medicinal Plants based on their chemical diversity. The aim is to preserve the biodiversity of desert plants.

the goal is to identify distinctive metabolites from desert plants but there is no database available.

I am looking for team that have the knowledge to employ a simple dereplication method based on mass spectrometry.
mass spectrometry, metabolites, desert plants, digital library, biodiversity, desertification

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