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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
MSc David Mornout
MetaMeta Research
+31 6 39000145

I am looking for a project to join
MetaMeta Research is a social enterprise, dedicated to introducing better land and water management. We work amongst others on natural resources management, nature-based solutions, biodiversity, local climate management, water management, landscape rehabilitation and regenerative agriculture. In all these themes, the aim is to bring practical improvement at scale.

MetaMeta Research supports (innovative) activities on the ground, undertakes research and outreach, capacity building and contributes to policy and guideline development. MetaMeta is a recent two-time environmental award winner and has offices in six countries: the Netherlands, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Turkey, and Nepal, and work experience in about 40 countries. MetaMeta also has its communication branch, which communicates about projects and programs, provides impact documentation, and all kind of media including blogs, videos and podcasts.

We are very much open to collaborations and are looking forward to hearing from you.
Animal Husbandry
Civil engineering and urban infrastructure (construction and transport)
Conservation Biology
Crop Production
Environmental Psychology
Forestry and forest sciences
Information sciences and communication
Landscape ecology
Livestock Systems
Management sciences
Physical Geography
Public Health and Environmental Health
Remote Sensing
Spatial planning and urban development
Transportation Planning
Urban Ecology
We would be willing to join and form projects that include innovative applied research, aimed at showing the potential of NBS on biodiversity. We have a significant track record in Europe, Africa, Asia and lots of potential to seek synergies with already ongoing projects and programs as well to build on them.
biodiversity, nature-based solutions, water, land, agriculture, africa, asia, one health
Beside being available online, we have colleagues in amongs others the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Ethiopia, Kenya, Yemen, Pakistan, India.

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