Partner - project search entry
Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Assistant Professor Tobi Eniolu MORAKINYO
Dublin 4
University College Dublin
School of Geography

I am looking for a project to join
I am an urban climate scientist with specific interest in green infrastructure for climate regulation and air quality improvement using modelling and measurement techniques.

Keywords: Urban climate, nature-based solution, heat mitigation, ENVI-met model, and air quality

Relevant publication:
Ouyang, W., Morakinyo, T. E., Lee, Y., Tan, Z., Ren, C., & Ng, E. (2023). How to quantify the cooling effects of green infrastructure strategies from a spatio-temporal perspective: Experience from a parametric study. Landscape and Urban Planning, 237, 104808.

Morakinyo, T. E., Ouyang, W., Lau, K. K. L., Ren, C., & Ng, E. (2020). Right tree, right place (urban canyon): Tree species selection approach for optimum urban heat mitigation-development and evaluation. Science of the Total Environment, 719, 137461.

Morakinyo, T. E., Lam, Y. F., & Hao, S. (2016). Evaluating the role of green infrastructures on near-road pollutant dispersion and removal: Modelling and measurement. Journal of environmental management, 182, 595-605.
Looking to join projects working on NBS for climate adaptation e.g. heat stress mitigation/adaptation; and/or air quality improvements
urban climate, nature-based solution, heat mitigation, envi-met model, air quality, thermal stress, green infrastructure
11th International Conference on Urban Climate @ UNSW

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