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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a project to join
Contact details
Universidad de Jaén
Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
+34 953212747

I am looking for a project to join
My research background is focused on the chemistry of solid surfaces and interfaces, carbon materials as adsorbents and environmental remediation of waters using different advanced oxidation processes. The current research lines:
- Synthesis and characterization of new nanostructured materials and applications in advanced oxidation processes to remove emerging pollutants from waters.
- Removal of heavy metals and organic compounds from wastewater through adsorption processes using activated carbons, bioadsorbents and functionalized nanomaterials.
Keywords: advanced oxidation process, materials, catalysis, LED radiation, solar radiation, wastewater, drinking water, adsorption
1. Hydrothermal synthesis of a photocatalyst based on Byrsonima crassifolia and TiO2 for degradation of crystal violet by UV and visible radiation. Environ. Res. 231, 116280, 2023.
2. Electrocatalytic activity of calcined manganese ferrite solid nanospheres in the oxygen reduction reaction. Enviromental Res. 204, 112126, 2022.
3. Physicochemical characteristics of calcined MnFe2O4 solid nanospheres and their catalytic activity to oxidize para-nitrophenol with peroxymonosulfate and n-C7 asphaltenes with air. J. Environ. Manage. 281, 111871, 2021.
4. Removal of parabens from water by UV-driven advanced oxidation processes. Chem. Eng. J. 379, 122334, 2020.
5. Removal of bisphenols A and S by adsorption on activated carbon clothes enhanced by the presence of bacteria. Sci. Total Environ. 669, 767-776, 2019.
Chemistry of Materials
The Carbon Materials and Environment research team is looking for a project about treatment for water decontamination and/or its reuse for different applications. According to our background, we provide experience and equipment for Carbon-based materials synthesis and characterisation (textural, chemical and photochemical characterisation), and their application in adsorption processes and advanced oxidation processes with and without different irradiation systems (solar simulation, and LEDs). As the most representative activities of our research team, I would like to highlight the application of systems as photocatalysis, electrocatalytic, photo-eectrocatalysis, and different oxidant catalytic decomposition.
water treatment, water reuse, advanced oxidation process, materials, catalysis, led radiation, solar radiation, wastewater, drinking water, adsorption
- 43 Reunión Ibérica de Adsorción, Porto (Portugal), 2024
- Conference on Solar Chemistry and Environmental Application (SPEA)
- Spanish Carbon Group meeting (GEC)
- Biennial meeting of the Spanish Society of Catalysis (SECAT)
- International Conference on Electrocatalysis, Electrocatalysis and Energy Storage (ICEEES)
- International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy (WWEM)
- 9th International Conference on Eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment (IWA))

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