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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
Looking for :    a partner (for my project)
Contact details
Dr Gema Parra
U.S. & Canada...
University of Jaen
Animal biology, Plant biology and Ecology

I am looking for a partner (for my project)
I am biologist, my research group is Ecology and Biodiversity of Aquatic systems. I started the research line focused on ecotoxicology in 2000. Much of my work is concerned the study of the toxic effects of agrochemicals on aquatic organisms and other emerging pollutants. Some of my studies have defined new biomarkers of exposure and effect used to detect and quantify the toxicity of commonly used agrochemical. I am leading a project aims to pilote NBS to reduce pharmacological pollution in wastewater and saving water quantity under future climate change scenarios.
--Bohorquez, P., Pérez-Latorre, F. J., González-Planet, I., Jiménez-Melero, R., & Parra, G. (2023). Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation and Soil Conservation in a Steep-Slope Olive-Orchard Catchment (Arquillos, SE Spain). Applied Sciences, 13(5), 2882.
--López-Valcárcel, M. E., Del Arco, A., & Parra, G. (2023). Sublethal exposure to agrochemicals impairs zooplankton ability to face future global change challenges. Science of The Total Environment, 873, 162020.
--Stremmel, H., Weiss, L., Parra, G., Ramos-Rodríguez, E., & Araújo, C. V. (2023). Ecotoxicological assessment of the effects of fluoxetine on Daphnia magna based on acute toxicity, multigenerational reproduction effects, and attraction-repellence responses. Chemosphere, 312, 137028.

Keywords: aquatic ecotoxicology, biomarkers, innovative nature based solutions
Project focuses in the zero pollution strategy, emerging contaminants and the use of NBS for solving it and getting improved water quality and quantity, and how society needs to learn and support those strategies. Specific themes: extreme climate events, droughts, circular economy , science citizenship,
emerging pollutants, pharmacological products, innovative nbs, ecotoxicological risk assessment
Information webinar.
26 September 2023, from 13:00 to 15:00 CEST.

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