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Call :    Biodiversa Joint Research Call 2023-2024 on "Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (BiodivNBS)"
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Contact details
DVM & Animal Welfare Specialist Débora Silvia Racciatti
Buenos Aires
Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad de Buenos Aires
Animal welfare and ethology

I am looking for a project to join
I'm an assistant professor in Animal Welfare and Ethology with an expertise on wild animals and cattle. I am particularly interested in the links between animal welfare, biodiversity, sustainability, and human well-being, and in the new paradigms of "One Welfare" and "Compassionate Conservation". I have experience in teaching, interdisciplinary work, public administration, public-private mediation, and applied research in wildlife and livestock welfare, as well as in the evaluation of projects for the humane control of invasive alien species.
Keywords: Animal welfare, Biodiversity preservation, Cattle, Compassionate Conservation, Environmental sustainability, Human Wildlife Conflict, One Welfare, peaceful coexistence, Wildlife.
Animal Husbandry
Anthropology and ethnology
Conservation Biology
Education sciences
Livestock Production
Livestock Systems
Public Health and Environmental Health
Veterinary science
I would love to join a project aligning with my expertise in animal welfare and wildlife-human interactions, with emphasis on reconciling conflicts between wildlife and domestic animals (livestock, pets, feral animals) and their impact on environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation. I am also open to participate in other types of projects on nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change involving animal welfare.
animal welfare, biodiversity preservation, cattle, compassionate conservation, environmental sustainability, human wildlife conflict, one welfare, peaceful coexistence, wildlife.
IV One Welfare World Conference
"Don't choose extinction, choose One Welfare"
Tuesday 10/Oct/2023 (Virtual participation is likely)

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